Sunday, May 4, 2014

Concert Tickets Over Everything

Damian Gordon
South Bureau Chief

    Drake came into town and all the girls are losing their minds over it. I went online to see how much his tickets were because I like his music. When the page opened up I saw three zeroes and a one. I had to back up from the computer and clean my glasses. Surely it had to be a mistake or the page just glitched or something. Nope, when I refreshed the website the price was still 1,000 dollars.

    That’s way too much for an hour at most of playing songs currently on someone’s iPod. That’s a roundtrip plane ticket to Japan. That’s 500 dollars times two (for those who are bad at math out there).

    Hey, anyone can spend their money anyway they want, but I am pretty confident that the majority of the audience is having their parents or boyfriend buy the tickets. Some poor guy out there is paying 1,000 dollars for his girl to see another man; that's just a slap in the face right there.

    Pay that buddy you still owe money to or take your lover somewhere more expensive than Burger King. Pay two bums to fight; anything would be a better use of 1,000 dollars than concert tickets.

    If I'm paying that kind of money for tickets, Drake better pay for my dinner, take me to meet Lil Wayne, and his mom. Those kinds of prices are made for screwing people, not entertainment. Drake’s not a politician...yet at least.

    Now, there were cheaper seats in the nose bleeds for around 100 dollars, but even that is still ridiculous, considering that is the price of front seat tickets for most concerts. There are better ways to spend money. And if someone went to this concert, that’s great; I hope they had a fun time, at least.

    With his shows only a quarter filled at some arenas, Kanye West recently found out the hard way that no one was willing to pay that kind of money for his concerts—especially with an album that many fans did not warm up to that well.

    Just take caution with what you buy, because there are probably people who paid 100s for a Ja Rule & Chingy concert 10 years ago and regret that every day now. Remember them? Yeah, neither does anybody else.

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