Monday, July 14, 2014

Why Men Marry Bitches: The Review

Bella Riccitelli
Managing Editor

    There are hundreds of categories of self-improvement books that people read with the intention of bettering themselves. While some include ways to live a happy life, or how-tos with lists from A to Z, author Sherry Argov has released a book in the self-help genre that may shock some and excite others: “Why Men Marry Bitches.”

    Listed as a New York Time’s bestseller, Argov gives women the chance to help themselves become respected, smart individuals, rather than women who change themselves for men.

    Stated in the introduction, Argov says, “…I use ‘bitch’ in a tongue-in-cheek way. The term is intended to be satirical, and does not take itself too seriously. I use it to describe a strong woman who has her own identity and is secure with who she is.”

    I find this to be very important because in today’s society, women are often offended by the term, rather than flattered to use the term to describe themselves. However, by the time the book is finished, the woman reading is almost guaranteed to be proud to refer to herself as such.

    While the book is not written to make women into mean people, it is intended to make a woman go from “doormat to dream girl,” as Argov says.

    “Why Men Marry Bitches” is filled with tips and rules that are essential in gaining respect from men. Additionally, Argov includes anecdotes from both men and women, women who have used the rules with success, and men who have anonymously provided their opinions and personal beliefs relating to Argov’s rules.

    To be honest, I have used these rules and tips before with my own boyfriend and they actually work. I also know a handful of women who have read this book and say that the rules worked for them, too.

    If anyone ever caught a glimpse of my copy of the book, I would be slightly embarrassed due to the fact that it is filled with post-it notes and colorful tabs. In contrast to that, I would be anxious to share every single rule, page and paragraph that I so carefully made a note of.

    The book is not written solely for women who are seeking husbands.

    “Why Men Marry Bitches’ is not another ‘how to fetch a husband book.’ …It will challenge convention…and modernize the way you think about how a man chooses his soul mate,” Argov says in the book.

    Although some of the rules given are obvious and common sense, a various amount of them seem to be borderline genius, as if it really did take a book for the reader to figure these things out.

    The book is separated into categories: Throwing Out the Rulebook, Make Him Chase You Until You Catch Him, The Sun Rises and Sets in his Boxer Shorts, Female Button Pushing, Wanted: Joe Paycheck, Breaking Into the Boys Club, and finally, From “I Might” to “I Do.”

    The very last section includes every rule and tip from beginning to end, and is made so the reader can use it as an easy reference guide.

    If I could recommend this book to every woman in the world, I definitely would. It isn’t filled with tips on how to get married, or how to become a bitch, but how to respect and carry yourself in a way that will make a man want to marry you. “Why Men Marry Bitches” can literally turn any woman “from doormat to dream girl” in a matter of hours.

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