Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Break X Tips

Damian Gordon
Staff Writer

    Waking up in some foreign place with no money and a kidney missing is not the ideal ending to spring break for most people. Every year, that mythical week comes around, where a mild mannered college student turns into law enforcements worse nightmare. 

    Spring break is the week when that blood pact occurs for no one to speak of what happened ever again. Here are some tips to get through on top like a champ and not a chump. 

    Money is the big factor that is going to decide how long the adventure is going to last, once the dough runs out so does the trip. Depending on where the trip is taking place, things like hotels, plane tickets and gas are not paying for themselves. 

    Get a good estimate on how much the trip is going to cost, then bring some extra “just in case” cash for good measure. Nobody wants to tell the story of the “odd favors” for cash they had to do find a way back home.

    It cannot be stressed enough that hotel reservations should be done as early as possible. When spring break comes around, all the prices go up and the amount of cash in a student’s pockets goes down even more. This will separate from sleeping in a motel surrounded by gunshot noise and that ominous guy standing at the corner and a peaceful sleep in a hotel with security around the corner.

    Be surrounded by the right type of people is another crucial part to a great spring break. Don’t bring anyone that doesn’t want to be there, they’ll just bring down everybody’s mood with constant barrage of sighs and complaining  

    BC student Taylor Nethersole advises others that” If traveling out to always walk with a friend, don’t tell strangers where you’re staying.”

    Travel with people you enjoy, if you can’t stand Keisha from work, you’ll hate Keisha the roommate.  These are people you will spend an extended amount of time with for a week, make it one to remember for the screams of joy and not of murder.

    Do all your assignments before the partying, “I want lots of essays and projects!” said nobody ever. The reality is that there will probably be work from teachers and it’s easier to do it sooner rather than right before class Monday.

    If the mode of transportation is by car, music is a vital part of keeping the good vibes alive. Make a playlist that is varied and everyone in the car can stand. No one wants to hear Adele the whole way to Tampa, because someone broke up with their girlfriend recently. Mix a little of rock, rap, and electronica for a soundtrack everybody can enjoy. 

    Switch drivers when necessary, to make sure everyone gets to the destination safely.  If it’s late at night and the driver is tired, talk to them and keep some conversation. Remember they want to sleep just like the others in the backseat are already are.

    Drink responsibly, no one wants to be their buddy’s chaperone the whole week, handle yourself and what you put in your body. 

    Florida State University attendee, Moremi Vassall has a warning for other students to ”Go with a group of people  you know. Don't do anything illegal, you will get caught…the police are like hounds during spring break.”

    The last thing to remember is nothing ever goes perfect as planned and unexpected setbacks might occur. In the end, following these tips will help turn an ordinary spring break into an extraordinary one.

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